Press Release on training for CEAZ members.
The Central Election Commission, on Wednesday, will provide training for the Commissioners of Electoral Administration Zone.
The training of CEAZ commissioners is organized immediately after the completion of their composition by members, proposed by all political parties that have the full right based on the provisions of the Electoral Code.
About 54 trainers, engaged by the CEC, will undertake training sessions for 720 commsssioners at second level, at 54 training places, according to a scheme drafted by the Central Election Commission.
The basic training materials, such as the CEAZ manual, reflect the recent legal changes made by the Assembly of Albania.
Regardless of the organizational measures that CEC has undertaken for the successful completion of the training, the CEC aksed political parties to have serious engagement and cooperation in order to send their proposed commissioners to training, as only professional and well-known comissioners of legal procedures are a guarantee for the good administration of the electoral process.
The participation of CEAZ commissioners in the training, organized by the CEC is a legal obligation, such as their non-participation or non-passing of knowledge testing, is the reason for their realease from duty of the CEAZ Member.
Therefore, we reiterate the appeal to political parties to exert their influence on the Commissioner participation in training and to become an active part of the training program.
Training schedules and places for training will be made available to all regional inspectors who will follow the activities, CEAZs and the ODIHR monitoring mission.
PRESS RELEASE 06.06.2017