The Central Elections Commission, in its today’s meeting reviewed the following decisions:
1. “On the change of location of BCC no.42, Kavaja Municipality and BCC no.9 Tropojë municipality, for local government elections of June 30, 2019”.
2. “On adoption of the staff of Austrian Radio Television “ORF”, to observe local government elections of June 30, 2019”. The CEC decided to adopt the request of Austrian Radio Television “ORF”, on accreditation of its four representatives, to observe local government elections
3. “On adoption of the short-term observers and interpreters of the British Embassy to observe the local government elections of June 30, 2019″. The CEC decided to adopt the request of the British Embassy to accredit four short term observers and four interpreters to observe local government elections process of June 30, 2019”.
4. “On adoption of reporters and operators of Bold News, to observe the local government elections of June 30, 2019″. The CEC decided to adopt the request of Bold News, to accredit 5 reporters and operators, to observe the local government elections.
5. “On adoption of reporters and operators of Al Jazeera TV, to observe the local government elections process of June 30, 2019″. The CEC decided to adopt the request of Al Jazeera TV to accredit four reporters and operators for the local government elections of June 30, 2019″.
6. “On adoption of the short-term observers and interpreters of the Italian Embassy to observe the local government elections of June 30, 2019″. The CEC decided to adopt the request of the Italian Embassy to accredit four short term observers and three interpreters to observe local government elections process of June 30, 2019”.
7. “On adoption of the short-term observers and interpreters of the US Embassy to observe the local government elections of June 30, 2019“. The CEC decided to adopt the request of the US Embassy to accredit 20 short term observers and 19 interpreters to observe local government elections process of June 30, 2019”.
8. “On release from duty and appointment of the member of CEAZ no. 15, Kurbin Municipality, for local government elections of June 30, 2019”.