Central Election Commission, in its daily meeting, reviewed and approved the draft decisions as following:
– “On approval of the quantity of ballots to be produced for each polling station for partial elections for Mayor of Kavaja Municipality, on 07.05.2017”
– CEC decided that: for partial elections, for Mayor of Kavaja Municipality, will be produced about 62.937 ballots.
– On registration of some political parties, as an electoral subject to the Assembly dated on June 18, 2017, CEC decided to register policical paties as follows”
1. Party “Macedonian Alliance for European Integration”
2. Party “People Alliance for Justice”
3. Social Democracy Party
4. Party “G99”
5. Party of Deprived Rights
6. Party “On the protection of the Rights of Emigrants”
7. Albanian Path of Truth Party
8. True Socialist Party 91″
9. Albanian Homeland Party
10. Albanian Future Party
11. Party “ New Democratic Spirit””
12. Democratic Reform Party
13. Party “Albanian National Reconciliation”
– On setting up of some polling stations in private buildings, for the elections of Mayor of Kavaja Municipality, dated on May 7, 2017.
– On the release from current duties and appointment of two CEAZ members and secretary, no. 29 as well as member of CEAZ no. 37, for Assembly elections, dated on June 18, 2017.
– CEC also decided to postpone the hearing to the next meeting of the draft “on considering the reports of technical auditors, Andi Erebara and Armand Teliti.
PRESS RELEASE 12.04.2017