The Central Elections Commission, in its meeting on June 1, 2019, reviewed the  following draft-decisions:

–  “On adoption of the training manual, the work book of VCC and practical Guide on the tasks of VCC members  for local government elections of June 30 , 2019”. – – “On release from duty and appointment of two members of CEAZ no.12, a member of CEAZ no. 13 and a member of CEAZ no. 21, for local government elections of June 30 , 2019”.

– “On adoption of the content of the ballot for the candidates for the municipality councils, for local government elections of June 30 , 2019”.

The CEC decided to adopt the content of the ballot paper for:

  1. Libohovë Municipality
  2. Sarandë Municipality
  3. Himarë Municipality
  4. Bulqizë Municipality
  5. Tropojë  Municipality
  6. Këlcyrë  Municipality
  7. Kukës  Municipality
  8. Ura Vajgurore  Municipality
  9. Gjirokastër  Municipality
  10. Patos  Municipality
  11. Dropull  Municipality
  12. Poliçan   Municipality
  13. Delvinë  Municipality
  14. Prrenjas  Municipality
  15. Mallakastër  Municipality
  16. Shijak Municipality
  17. Berat  Municipality
  18. Selenicë  Municipality
  19. Kavajë  Municipality
  20. Finiq  Municipality
  21. Pukë  Municipality
  22. Has  Municipality
  23. Roskovec  Municipality
  24. Kurbin  Municipality
  25. Divjakë  Municipality
  26. Peqin  Municipality
  27. Malësi e Madhe  Municipality
  28. Vorë  Municipality
  29. Përmet  Municipality
  30. Rrogozhinë  Municipality
  31. Konispol  Municipality
  32. Kolonjë  Municipality
  33. Librazhd  Municipality
  34. Pustec  Municipality
  35. Kamëz  Municipality
  36. Shkodër  Municipality
  37. Vlorë  Municipality
  38. Lushnje  Municipality
  39. Korçë  Municipality
  40. Fier Municipality